Celebrated leading lady Adra Mayer is on the rise in her new role-playing Media Relations Officer Angela Baker in the new Tubi series
“Sura Khan’s The Chambers – In God We Trust.

Celebrated Actor
An actress based out of NYC graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. She has recently worked on Features, Short Films, and Commercials, working with amazing directors such as Kate Kim, Gustaf Bjorn, and Takunda Kramer. Also, companies like OPPO, Noom, and Prose!
Angela Baker is Kimble’s Media Relations Officer and Spokesperson. Angela is a former network news journalist and has served as a deputy press secretary to former State Governor Brian Wells. She is intelligent, analytical, fast-talking, and always on point. Angela is close friends with Fred Kramer and respects his wisdom professionally and personally. Angela is divorced and currently single, raising a daughter who spends more time with Angela’s mother.

Meet Adra Mayer
The series begins with controversy in Judge Kimble’s first high-profile case in his first term as State City’s Supreme Court Judge. Marsha Owens, Kimble’s Judicial Assistant, makes a statement over dinner that ends up on the daily newspaper cover and is now being picked up by mainstream News. Chief of Staff Fred Kramer wants answers before the morning briefing with the Judge and senior staff. Angela Baker fights to get the matter under control and spin the story as she and her team prepare a briefing and statement for the press and her boss Judge Kimble.

Meet the Team
This riveting new series is the first of its kind. It won 46 film festival Awards (IMDb Certified) for Best New Series, Original Story, Ensemble Cast, and Director. Viewers are pulled in quickly and left wanting more. Most shows about Judges and Justice are set in the courtroom, but not this one.
Come and enjoy the entertaining performance of Adra Mayer in the new series Pilot.

In Scene from the Series
Watch Now on Tubi: https://tubitv.com/series/300000741/sura-khan-s-the-chambers-in-god-we-trust?start=true

The New Series
Visit the Series Website
Secure an interview with the cast and crew of “The Chambers” by Emailing: Press Department – Info@thechambersseries.com.
Meet the Director; Sura Khan