Podcast Ep. #9 – 2020 The Turning Point



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Join Sura Khan and Whispers of Wisdom as we close out the year, a decade and season one of the show. 2020 the turning point is the topic for the show. A turning point is a specific, significant moment when something begins to change. Historians might say that Rosa Parks’ famous bus protest was a turning point in the Civil Rights Movement. Looking back at historical events, it’s fairly easy to mark various turning points.

This final episode of the season is filled with wisdom and guidance for listeners. All aboard!

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Learn more about Sura Khan https://surakhan.net/testimonials-cast-crew/producer

Also listen to the show on IHeart Radio App: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-whispers-of-wisdom-podcast-31158360/

Season Final

Podcast Ep. #8 Understanding The Shift


Podcast #8 Understanding the Shift - Sura Khan

Podcast episode #8


On this Episode of Sura Khan Whispers of Wisdom “Understanding the shift” is the topic and point in question.  A shift is to put (something) aside and replace it by another or others; change or exchange to transfer from one place, position, person, etc., to another. Also, a paradigm shift verb (used to move from one place, position, direction, etc., to another. To manage to get along or succeed by oneself without object) Come along for the ride and Grow and Learn!

Support this show with your small love donation using the cash app at the link below. Thank you for your generous support!

cash app support link  https://cash.app/$SuraKhan

Learn more about Sura Khan https://surakhan.net/testimonials-cast-crew/producer

Also listen to the show on IHeart Radio App: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-whispers-of-wisdom-podcast-31158360/