Introducing: Actor Bob Lloyd Star of The New Series on Tubi

Introducing: Bob Lloyd as Judge Kimble in

“Sura Khan’s The Chambers – In God We Trust”

Bob Lloyd

Meet Star of the New Hit Series – Bob Lloyd

Introducing Actor Bob Lloyd, Starring as Judge H. Joseph Kimble, the Supreme Court Judge in the State City Supreme Court, the factious municipality in the new series.

The series begins with controversy in Judge Kimble’s first high-profile case in his first term as State City’s Supreme Court Judge.  Marsha Owens, Kimble’s Judicial Assistant, makes a statement over dinner that ends up on the daily newspaper cover and is now being picked up by mainstream News. Chief of Staff Fred Kramer wants answers before the morning briefing with the Judge and senior staff.

Bob Lloyd has performed professionally for over 40 years, a magical life course. Learning magic as a child, Bob began performing at birthday parties. As his skills grew, pantomime and juggling became important parts of his act.

Introducing Bob Lloyd

Judge H. Joesph Kimble

In 1981 Bob applied and was accepted into the renowned Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Clown College. There, the traditional crafts of slap-stick clowning, stilt-walking, and acrobatics were taught. Bob was among the select few graduates invited to join the circus. His professionalism and stage presence were honed by touring the United States for the next two years with the legendary “Greatest Show on Earth.”

An avid Martial arts student with 35 years of experience, Bob is a 5th-degree Black Belt who continues to train/teach Tae Kwon do and Jujitsu in Flemington, New Jersey.

Today, all the skills acquired in a lifetime of learning focus on acting. With various commercial work and roles in films, Donna Stronger Than Pretty, Inside Game, The Week of, and The Wolves we feed. Television roles include Pandora’s Box, Primal Instinct, Dead North, Random Acts of Flyness, and Recurring in Mysteries at the Museum.

Introducing Bob Lloyd

And Justice for All

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The New Series

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