TV Show Underway- Produced by Sura Khan



To Write and Senior-Produce New Entertainment Talk Variety  Show 


Face Lite Communications signs Sura Khan to navigate its new TV show “Set Life Cali”.  Its a one hour talk/variety television show hosted by actor/producer “Hannibull,” with Author Ayana “Yaya” Ellis, Actor/Stunt person Teniece Divya Johnson of Brooklyn, New York and Arianna Escalante of LA an on camera personality. The show originally broadcasted as a local based radio program in New York City and was very successful because of the dynamic collaboration of Hannibull and Ellis (who are currently hosting another show titled “Bull & Yaya” Quiet on the Set, reviewing past and present films and TV shows with special celebrity guest) Sura Khan serves as writer and senior-supervising producer. True to his improvisational roots, Sura Khan hasn’t spent a lot of time watching other daytime TV shows or studying techniques. He knows what he want and what has worked for him in his countless projects since and before the inception of the shows. His main guiding principle: Be generous and allow the guest to light up. “There is nothing better than sitting in this seat and celebrating,” he says. “I have put in many years and overcame many challenges to perfect my craft and now I let go and let God”. 


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