Podcast Episode #15 Adjusting To the Times! -Close of 2020


Season Final

Join us in the season final of the Podcast- Sura Khan’s Whispers of Wisdom. Topic: Adjusting to the Times-Close of 2020. Sura Khan encourages listening’s to stay positive in the coming year, 2021 as we continue to face obstacles do to the Pandemic. Highlights: Ask Sura Khan, Candice from Los Angeles California get advice on the continued shut downs in the heart of the entertainment industry, Hollywood. Come alone for the ride as we close out 2020, and remember the challenging times. Sneak peek into Season three and more!:





Podcast Ep #14 On The Front Line “Independent Filmmaking”


Podcast Episode

Podcast Ep. #14

Bringing your cinematic vision to light is a process that requires patients, perseverance and hard work. On the front-line in independent filmmaking is the topic for the show. My studio guest is here today to share with you their experience in the production of their new short film titled Thrupple. Filmmaking seen through the eyes of a director, actor, producer and writer promises valuable jewels and whispers of wisdom for the up and coming independent filmmaker and others. 

Listen to the full Podcast below

Video Highlights:

More on the Film Thrupple: http://www.noblefilmworks.com

More on Sura Khan:


IHeart Radio

Link: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-whispers-of-wisdom-podcast-31158360/

Podcast Ep. #13 On The Rise in Hip Hop with Marco Pete-44


On The Rise in Hip Hop!

Marco Pete 44 In House Studio Guest.

Sura Khan Whispers of Wisdom Live is a new edition to the program that features in-house live studio guest. The topic for this edition is “On The Rise in Hip Hop” with Special Guest, Brooklyn New York’s own “MARCO PETE 44”, joining us to discuss his career and new music release “EMO DRILL”. Portions of the interview is visually live on our new You Tube Channel Sura Khan’s Whispers of Wisdom Live.  Tune in for the enlightening and informative interview now streaming below or on most leading Podcast carriers. 

Podcast limited Visual interview

Listen to the full Podcast interview below

or join us on:


Music Video Link Marco Pete 44

More on Sura Khan:


Podcast Ep. #11 Make This Time Serve You!


 Podcast Episode #11 

Podcast episode 11

Learn and grow

In these troubling times host, Sura Khan uses his platform Whispers of Wisdom to inspire and motivate listeners. Make this time serve you is the topic for this inspiring episode produced during the Covid-19 epidemic in the United and States of America the world over. 

Those, especially in the entertainment industry, will find this episode timely and rewarding. 


LEARN MORE: https://surakhan.net/testimonials-cast-crew/producer

SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE: CASH APP https://cash.app/$SuraKhan    cash app support link 

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Sura Khan

Podcast Ep. #10 Get Prepared Right Now!


Podcast Promotion



One of the most important things we can do is be prepared when opportunity reveals itself. On this episode of Sura Khan’s Whispers of Wisdom we share inspiring information for those striving to succeed. The title of Season 2 Episode #10 says it all. Get Prepared Right Now!

 Stay Encouraged!  

More About Sura Khan https://surakhan.net/testimonials-cast-crew/producer 

Support the show with a Love Donation: https://cash.app/$SuraKhan

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Podcast episode

Podcast Ep. #9 – 2020 The Turning Point



Promo Ad Photo

Join Sura Khan and Whispers of Wisdom as we close out the year, a decade and season one of the show. 2020 the turning point is the topic for the show. A turning point is a specific, significant moment when something begins to change. Historians might say that Rosa Parks’ famous bus protest was a turning point in the Civil Rights Movement. Looking back at historical events, it’s fairly easy to mark various turning points.

This final episode of the season is filled with wisdom and guidance for listeners. All aboard!

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T H A N K  Y O U! 

Learn more about Sura Khan https://surakhan.net/testimonials-cast-crew/producer

Also listen to the show on IHeart Radio App: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-whispers-of-wisdom-podcast-31158360/

Season Final

Podcast Ep. #8 Understanding The Shift


Podcast #8 Understanding the Shift - Sura Khan

Podcast episode #8


On this Episode of Sura Khan Whispers of Wisdom “Understanding the shift” is the topic and point in question.  A shift is to put (something) aside and replace it by another or others; change or exchange to transfer from one place, position, person, etc., to another. Also, a paradigm shift verb (used to move from one place, position, direction, etc., to another. To manage to get along or succeed by oneself without object) Come along for the ride and Grow and Learn!

Support this show with your small love donation using the cash app at the link below. Thank you for your generous support!

cash app support link  https://cash.app/$SuraKhan

Learn more about Sura Khan https://surakhan.net/testimonials-cast-crew/producer

Also listen to the show on IHeart Radio App: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-whispers-of-wisdom-podcast-31158360/

Podcast Episode #7 TeamWork.


Podcast Ep7 Teamwork


Join Sura Khan on this edition of “Whispers of Wisdom” has he explores the importance of working together and playing your position to the best of your ability.

Also the combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient is often a crucial part of a business, as it is often necessary for colleagues to work well together, trying their best in any circumstance. Teamwork means that people will try to cooperate, using their skills and providing constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict between individuals.

Listen below Post or on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5V6OOcZpxyeSinURk8k7JK

Spotify Link - Sura Khan

Learn More About Sura Khan https://surakhan.net/the-man-and-his-mission-sura-khan

Mission And The Man- Sura Khan


The Man and His Mission Sura Khan

“A Visionary Indeed” 

Sura Khan A Visionary -The man and his mission

The man and his mission, Sura Khan is a thirty-year veteran in the entertainment industry. A writer, producer, director, and author with a drive and determination for entertainment creation that’s unprecedented. 

His mission over the past five years? Sura Khan has spent much of his time developing a variety of books, original television series and film projects.  He’s a visionary who believes that there’s a time and place for everything and everyone. The original projects he’s developed is rooted in something very special and indeed timely he believes. Creating programming based on the unique needs of the viewer and the times we are living in is his formula for creating a winning catalog of content.

With vast changes in technology and viewing patterns around the world Sura Khan feels that anything is possible if we can connect with a source whose capacity to see our vision and all its possibilities is secured. “I have no doubts whatsoever in my unique ability to move an audience”. Says Khan.  I understand that we as human beings are always on the lookout for those programs and ideas that can inspire, motivate and teach us something we may have previously been unaware of. And lets not forget entertain us. 

Not being afraid to continue creating projects that he understands will eventually cost millions upon millions of dollars to produce is inspiring. Being a developer/creator and having no idea how that kind of money will find its way to you is simply the principal’s of faith ( He says ) with a clear knowing that what’s inside of him must be manifested in the world outside of him. When you can connect with that source of knowledge then the manifestation of an idea is evident all in due time.

Sitting on a goldmine is how Sura Khan views his current place in time. Anyone lucky enough to see beyond the present moment within his unique purpose for existence will be very fortunate enough to share in a stream of wealth and success unimaginable.

With a host of new books and projects to add to his catalog Mr. Khan is content and looks forward to the coming years and all that it will bring through and from him.  


Books– In the Name of love, A Directors Faith, Sura Khan’s Whispers of Wisdom, Sura Khan’s Expressions On the Walk of Fame with Virginia Capers.


Television: South of Brooklyn, The Klein Syndicate, Candid with Terri P., Set Life Cali.



Film: In the Name of Love, Brothers Gonna Work it Out.- Testimonials 


Podcast: Sura Khan’s Whispers of Wisdom  


Podcast Episode #6 Media Mogul Byron Allen Law Suite


Podcast on: Byron AllenByron Allen & Sura Khan 

Sura Khan takes listeners into the center of this historic case with Byron Allen.  Said to threaten the Civil Rights of more than 100 Million Americans, particularly African Americans.

The Podcast program shines a light on Entertainment Studios  and its Chief Executive Officer- Byron Allen. A 20-billion-dollar law suite and fight for economic inclusion against Cable Television Media Giant Comcast and Charter. The Case is now before the United States Supreme Court after a two-time win for Allen in the 9th Circuit Court of appeals. The hearing will be held on November 13, 2019

According to Allen Comcast said “We’re going to take this to the Supreme Court”. African Americans were freed from slavery in December of 1865. Instead of getting reciprocity, 40 acres, and a mule they were given a law that states they will have fare contracting and economic inclusion in government and commercial contracting.  The writers of the Bill understood that the newly freed slaves  the African Americans were not going to be treated fairly in commercial and government contracting. It was essential for them to be integrated into the financial fiber of America. This law was put on the books 153 years ago to make sure African Americans had an economic pathway for economic inclusion which is now being threatened. It’s the very first Civil Rights statute in America. It gave birth to Civil Rights that allowed African Americans to have economic inclusion and the halting of economic genocide.                                                             Byron Allen & Sura Khan     

The story behind the story in entertainment.

Whispers of Wisdom -Host SURA KHAN

Byron Allen recently did an in-depth interview on New York’s IHeart Radio’s  “The Breakfast Club” with DJ. Envy, Charlamagne the God and Angela Yee.  The interview sparked a chain reaction of interest in this case. Social media sites are trending with this story since the interview on the Breakfast Club.  Sura Khan chimes in on Whispers of Wisdom the podcast with more.

Listen Below On Audio Player

Byron Allen   Website Link: https://entertainmentstudios.com/  

Support the Podcast Here https://cash.app/$SuraKhan     cash app support link
Podcast Episode